The Best Fish For Beginners
Are you thinking of adding fish to your family? Aquariums can be peaceful and beautiful and there’s nothing quite as relaxing as simply watching your fish in the tank. However, for all of their beauty, aquariums do require regular maintenance, and the fish you choose is a very important decision. Continue reading to find out which are the best fish for beginners. We’ve considered price, size, feeding habits and the hardiness of each fish to help you make an educated decision. Remember to talk to the staff at your local pet store so you can get first-hand advice and information.
- Molly
- Guppy
- Zebra Danio
- Betta
- Dwarf Gourami
- Cichlid
- Pleco
- Oscar Fish
- Tetra
- Loach
New aquariums need time to develop natural bacteria that are good for your fish. Until the good bacteria are there, the water quality of your tank can change quickly and build-up fish waste and leftover food. This can poison your fish and may cause illness or death. Until you know how to solve problems like this, it’s best to choose hardy fish like those listed above, so that your fix can survive temporary poor water conditions.