Do Fish Play?
“Play” is defined as “engaging in an activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose”. (Oxford Dictionary)
And if that’s true, then fish just want to have fun, according to a University of Tennessee, Knoxville study that finds even fish “play”.
The team studied and filmed three male fish individually over two years and noted the fish repeatedly striking a thermometer weighted to the bottom of the tank. Because there was no food present and no other fish in the aquarium, these researchers felt that the behaviour satisfied the criteria for play.
So, once you are an expert at keeping your fish healthy, the next step is to make them happy by offering some kind of enrichment. Mental stimulation will help your fish stay fit, and reduce stress and aggression.
Here are some things to consider when getting toys for your fish.
- You can get toys from pet shops or make your own, but always keep safety in mind and ensure nothing in your tank has sharp edges. It’s also best to avoid metal toys because metals can breakdown in water and leach harmful compounds into the water. Also, avoid toys with holes that fish can get stuck in, or toys with small bits that fish can bite off.
- Consider your type of fish and what might motivate it? Some fish like colors, some can barely see colors. Predatory fish may like movement while in some fish, theĀ color red can lead to fighting.
So what are some popular toys for fish?
- Balls. Fish can push ping pong balls back and forth across the water and even weave in and out of plants. You can use heavier balls for fish who like to play on the bottom of the tank.
- Ladders. These are great for weaving in and out of.
- Water wheels. Fish enjoy turning them and sometimes even learn to place a stone on them to make them turn.
- Bridges. Fish will enjoy darting in and out of structures and sometimes even play chase games.
Now that you know fish play, be sure to offer a variety of toys and take extra time to observe their behaviour.