Category Reptiles

Choosing a Reptile Pet

Reptiles are exotic and unique pets and can be a great addition to a family. They are generally quite easy to care for, but it’s important to do your research before buying your first reptile; Some species need more care than others and aren’t the best choice for beginners.

Like all pets, owning a reptile is a long-term commitment. Are you prepared to feed your pet and provide fresh water every day and to regularly clean the habitat?  Pets are very rewarding but also very demanding.

So which reptiles are best for beginners?

  • Bearded Dragon. Docile and easy to handle, beardies are from the desert so you don’t have to worry about humidity levels, plus they’re not nocturnal so they’ll be active when you’re awake!
  • Leopard Gecko. Very recognizable for their distinctive tail and adorable face, these geckos come in a variety of colours and patterns. These lizards are nocturnal but also easy to handle.
  • Crested Gecko. One of the few lizards that don’t require additional heat, that alone is a selling point for some pet owners.
  • Corn Snake. This is the most popular pet snake not only for its beauty but also because of its calm nature. Colours and patterns vary from black, orange and red to striped and spotted.


And which reptiles require a higher level of experience?

  • Turtles. A popular pet that is probably more work than you realize.  They are prolific poopers and the tank requires a lot of cleaning and maintenance.
  • Large  Snakes. Any snakes that grow to a large size should be avoided. They are often aggressive, require huge enclosures and can become quite costly.
  • Tortoises. Tortoises are similar to turtles in that their space needs to be much larger than you think. People are often surprised at how large these creatures can become and aren’t prepared to have proper housing for them.
  • Although some people keep alligators, monitors and caimans as pets, it should go without saying that most people wouldn’t be prepared to do so! If you’re determined to try a reptile as a pet, do your research and be sure to talk to the experts at your local pet store first.

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