NUTRAFIN African Cichlid Tap Water Conditioner, 8.4 fl oz (250 ml)


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The Conditioner is beneficial for African cichlids, livebearers (mollies, guppies, swordtails), goldfish, brackish water species and more.


Nutrafin African Cichlid Conditioner  GH Increaser provides an ideal balance at the correct ratios of minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium. The Conditioner is beneficial for African cichlids, livebearers (mollies, guppies, swordtails), goldfish, brackish water species and more.

This General Hardness increaser is of particular benefit to fish originating from Lakes Malawi and Victoria, as it provides the correct 3-to-1, calcium-to-magnesium ratio. This supplement also provides a rich 5.1 mg/L dose of potassium for Tanganyikan species, supporting full colour potential and reproduction.

Additional Information

Weight 0.25 kg



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