COASTAL Reflective Safety Vest, Orange

Original price was: $21.99 – $22.99.Current price is: $15.39 – $16.09.

The Coastal Reflective Safety Vest maximizes visibility at night and during the day with reflective material and fluorescent colour.

SKU: S22142 Categories: , , ,


The Coastal Reflective Safety Vest maximizes visibility at night and during the day with reflective material and fluorescent colour. This vest is water-resistant, lightweight and adjustable for comfort.


  • Small: fits dogs weighing up to 18 lb
  • Medium: fits dogs weighing 18 to 50 lb
  • Large: fits dogs weighing up to 50 lb

Additional Information

Weight 0.00 kg

076484191183, 076484191176, 076484191169


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